This was big!

            Let me take you inside Abel’s mind real quick… It’s all over the place most the time, from one thought to the next, with one squeezed in the middle for good measure. So being truly intentional, fully invested and living in the present moment, has been quite the challenge for me.

            I’ve never really considered the unhealthy nature of this thought pattern until now. Sure I can love everybody, but without some intentionality where does that leave both them and me? It’s like planting a seed then expecting it to grow without ever watering it. Doesn’t work out so well.

            So turns out whether you’re here in Serbia or back in America for instance, you’re still you!   I would venture to say that it actually enhances who you are because you’re constantly having to make choices on who you’re going to be and how you’re going to respond in an environment far from your comfort zone. Thankfully, God’s in the business of growth for His children, so when we press into what He’s showing us He can do some serious work!

            His timing, as always, was once again perfect for bringing this into the light for me! With just a month in Sombor, being intentional with our time and with people was of utmost importance. What came out of this was incredible! The relationships we built during our time there were priceless and life giving! You could sense and see the winds of change come over the people and town, and it was a beautiful thing to be a part of!

            As I expected would be the biggest challenge when I left on this journey, leaving wasn’t easy. After a month in Sombor it had begun to feel like a true home away from home. I couldn’t believe how familiar everything had become until it was gone. The days had been full, rich, and long, but the month had flown by. It’s crazy to think this is only the beginning!

            So of the many things that I learned from my time in Serbia, this was the overarching lesson; be intentional! God was intentional to bring me on this race, so I think it’s about time I’m intentional with Him and everyone and everything He’s putting in my life!


            Here’s some pictures for you all! Check out my facebook if you want to see more photos from my journey! Thanks again for all the support!

Lunch with our incredible friend!

My team with our ministry hosts Zoli and Tanya!

Joyful Noise in Budapest!

            Love you guys and hope all is well back on the home front!