4– Average number of sucking mangos eaten per day
9000+– Quito elevation we climbed around every day
17– Scorpions who met their unfortunate demise under the weight of our shovel
9– Tarantulas who sadly joined their scorpion friends 
25– Beautiful, beautiful Ecuadorian children who we spent our Saturdays with singing songs, acting out bible stories, coloring Noah's animals, painting fingernails, painting faces, etc.
4– Members of the Villavicencia family who adopted our team into their lives and stole our hearts
2– Average number of hours we spent on the bus each day
3– Sunday mornings we got to spend worshiping with the people of Iglesia la Luz
10– Different types of fruit juices we drank every morning that I couldn't pronounce or remember
0– Starbucks I encountered the 21 days we spent in Ecuador
21– Days I found coffee anyways
65– Average daytime temp in Quito
0– Ecuadorians I found that actually liked to eat cuy (guinea pig)
2– Times I got to skype with Mom and Dadheart