So, you probably know by now that I got a tattoo on the world race.


If you knew me before the race, or even met me on the race, you are most likely rather surprised, possibly even shocked.


But, it happened, and I love it.


Ever since high school I have signed letters with a heart with a cross inside of it. It started randomly but really grow to represent a visible symbol of loving with Gods love. It has since become my standard signature and it is a rare occurrence that I don't use it. It is a simple way I share Gods love with people, believers and unbelievers. It has become such a part of my life that I almost don't think of it anymore.


But, I want to.


One of my professors in college said, "let love be in the middle of everything you do." I loved that quote and it has been something I have kept in mind ever since. But if Christ isn't the reason for my love then it isn't worth anything, then the love doesn't matter.


And that is what my tattoo means. That I want love to be in the middle of all I do and I want Christ to be the center of that love. That He displayed His love for me on the cross, and His love will never fail.


It's a big deal to have something on my body for the rest of my life. But God's love is a big deal. It's a big deal that He loved me so much to die on a cross for me so that I can live with Him in eternity. So, it's worth it, it's worth it because loving others with His love will always be worth it.