Day 74:

We went into town today for shopping and internet. Iced coffee was a great addition!


Day 75:

In the morning we helped the kids write Christmas letters to their sponsors. They are sponsored by Heart for Africa. In the afternoon I played with the little kids and painted their faces.



Day 76:

Making pancakes for everyone for breakfast


Day 77:

I woke up to these awesome clouds rolling through the valley


Day 78:

During my day off Becky helped me make tortillas for dinner


Day 79:

My typical morning. Coffee (which is very hit or miss), oatmeal, ipod, bible and journal


Day 80:

The view outside our kitchen window as I prepared Thanksgiving dinner!


Day 81:

Playing outside is our favorite while helping at the baby house


Day 82:

Imelda embracing the joys of being a missionary, being covered with children who as she puts  it, are quite possibly very stinky



Day 83:

The little girls singing at church, such a beautiful sound!


This little boy captured my entire heart the moment I saw him. He has some kind of disability, most likely in the severe range, but is full of so much love and joy, especially when singing worship


Day 84:

Baby house play time!


Day 85:

Love notes from the kids


Day 86:

Raquel and Lindo dancing


Day 87:

Some of my favorite boys at the baby house