Ladies and Gentlemen, we've entered crunch time. Almost everything can be counted using my two hands. That’s right, I leave in 10 days (counting today). And as you could probably guess, I've been making a lot of lists. Packing Lists, Need to buy Lists, Places to eat Lists, People to talk to or see Lists and on and on. Lists make me happy, and checking things off lists make me even happier!


So, here is a list for you. My new and improved route!

–         Sept 5th: I-squad arrives in Chicago for pre-launch activities

–         Sept: Zimbabwe/Botswana (I-Squad is divided between both locations)

–         Oct: South Africa

–         Nov: Swaziland

–         Dec: China

(Note: $11,000 due in my account by Dec. 1st -Deadline already met!)

–         Jan: Philippines

–         Feb: India

–         Mar: Romania (Moldova was replaced by Romania)

(Note: $15,500 due in my account by Mar. 1st or I am sent home)

–         Apr: Ukraine

–         May: Honduras

–         Jun: Nicaragua

–         July: Costa Rica/Panama (I-Squad is divided between both locations)

–         Aug: America


This means I will now be back in China for Christmas and my Birthday! It will be fun being in a familiar place for my favorite month!


Can't wait to be reunited with these beautiful women!


Here are some things that you can put on your To Do List!

  • Subscribe to my blog! (click on the sign up to get e-mail updates) That way you will never miss one of my hopefully exciting blog posts!
  • E-mail me! Because I won't be in one place the whole year I can't receive mail, but I can receive e-mails! Know that I will treasure these and WANT to know what is going on in your life and how I can be praying for you! Pictures and words of encouragement are welcome too! ([email protected])
  • Continue to pray for funding! I am currently sitting around $11,500. I am very excited because this means I have already met my December deadline. However, before March I still need $4,000.
  • Finally, I am looking to put together one more list, my prayer team! If you want to commit to praying for me this year let me know! I will be sending you specific prayer requests that may or may not be on my blog. Leave me a comment or send me and e-mail and I'll put you on the list!


Now all that’s left for me to do is pack and leave! So thankful for you!