This past Sunday I had a fundraiser at my church and was also asked to give the sermon. I thought some poeple who weren't there would be interested in reading the thoughts I shared (minus a few stories that I didn't type out!) The scripture I am refering to is John 6:51-58

I am the living bread that came down from heaven, whoever eats of this bread will live forever.

How can one live forever?

How can bread sustain one forever?

Jesus had already preformed miracles providing for the people, and they were probably expecting something similar. They needed bread, or other nourishment, to live, and possibly expected Jesus to provide for them like God did for their ancestors.


The bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of this world.

Almost everything that nourishes us comes from something that was once alive, whether it be plant or animal. Jesus is saying that He will nourish us. That He alone will die and that He alone is the foundation for spiritual life. Through His death, He is the nourishment we need for this lifetime. He is ALL we need.


John later tells us that after Jesus explains this to the people, many turn away. They can't fathom the idea that Jesus is the only on, that He is the way, the truth, and the life. This continues today. The uniqueness of Christianity is that Jesus is that only one, there are no other Gods. That He is more than just a prophet and a great person, that He is the only Perfect person, and through Him is the only way we can enter into the kingdom of heaven. However, once you really and truly believe this, that Jesus will provide everything you need, your life will change. I know, it happened to me.


This is why I went to China.


God worked in so many ways and taught me so many lessons while I was there. He also brought me so much closer to Him and changed my life in so many ways. That's what happens when you fully and truly believe that Jesus is the living bread.


God sustained me every moment while I was in China. He provided e-mails and cards at times I needed encouragement. He provided get aways when I needed a break. He brought people in my life who would impact me in ways I could have never imagined.


Most of all, I learned that Jesus is the bread of life and He will provide everything. He has a perfect plan that is wilder than you could ever imagine. That when you completely surrender to God's plan for you life the peace and comfort that comes with it is like nothing else in this world. Yes, it is scary sometimes,  you may think it is crazy or that you are inadequate. It may be hard, you may struggle you may even thing you are a failure. You may feel like you aren't good enough or there is no way you could do this on your own. But the truth is, you aren't doing it on your own, you are never alone, because God has your back. He already knows each detail and He will lead you through it.


With this knowledge, I am quickly approaching the next season of my life, the World Race. Going into this I have no expectations except this, that God will provide each and everything that I need and I am going to do my best to love each and every person I come across with the amount of love God daily pours on me. Will this be easy, no, but you better believe it will be worth it!