I've been thinking a lot about beauty lately. It really is a simple subject, and there really is beauty all around us. Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I love seeing the beauty found in nature. But lately I have become passionate about another kind of beauty, the beauty that is found inside each of us. 

One thing that has brought this issue to my attention lately is a song by One Direction (who I wouldn't know about except for subbing at middle and high schools) They have a song What Makes You Beautiful. The song basically says that you don't that you are beautiful, they think you are, and that's what makes you beautiful.

In today's world there are so many girls who don't believe that are beautiful. They believe the lies of the devil telling them that they are too fat, too skinny, their hair is the wrong color, their nose is too big, or any number of other problems and insecurities.

But the truth is the king is enthralled by your beauty. (psalm 45:11) That is enthralled, not just pleased, not just happy, but ENTHRALLED! God is fascinated by our beauty. Once I fully believed this my whole mindset changed.

Unfortunately, most of the world doesn't believe this. So many girls don't believe this. So that is what I am passionate about. Whether I am in America or around the world I am passionate about showing girls that they really and truly are beautiful, and there is a king that is ENTHRALLED by their beauty, no matter what!