Here’s a blog post my squadmate Courtney Neigh wrote. It captures the past 5 months of our Asian experience well!

Thanks, Court!


It’s towards the end of our last month in Asia, it’s bittersweet.

Here’s why:

One hard goodbye is Asian hospitality. We have met some of the most genuine people here. They love really well and are so giving!!

…. unless you’re a night bus driver, then you aren’t the nicest..

Goodbye Ministry hosts.

Goodbye Asian Malls, thanks for giving us a taste of America.

Goodbye Southeast Asian Beaches.

Goodbye Mountains.

Goodbye Monsoon Rainstorms.

Goodbye Chai Tea.

Goodbye Potato Crisps.

Goodbye Night Markets.

Goodbye versatile and affordable healthcare.

Also goodbye Zumba in the park, if there’s a park, there’s a class every morning and evening.. it’s not something you see all the time in the states but it’s fun to jump in until they ask you to go to the front because you’re American.

Goodbye wildlife like tigers and monkeys and elephants, freakishly large bugs (that you eat in Cambodia)

Goodbye monks, and seeing temples on every corner.

Goodbye Tuk tuks / motorbikes/cheap transportation



Some things we won’t be missing:

Cambodian heat

The smell of burning trash


Squatty potties

Having to take off your shoes before you go into a room

Not having toilet paper in every bathroom (its always a gamble)

Sewer rivers

Garbage waterfalls

Being told you’re fat because you’re not xxxs



Asian night buses

Overstuffed auto rides

Sleeping in humidity

Sleeping with bugs in your bed

The many smelly smells of Asia

No public trashcans ANYWHERE

Sweating constantly.. even when youre sleeping

Stair steps not being even

Taking a shower next to the toilet with no shower curtain #flood

Just the weird set up of bathrooms in general

People taking selfies with you ALL THE TIME.

People peeing in public.

Men walking around in towels or with just their belly hanging out.

Taxi drivers saying they know where they’re taking you, but they don’t, they get lost, then charge you extra..

Being charged extra for everything because we are white Americans.. the assumption of being rich is real!! Little do they know we are ballin’ on a budget over here!


Heres some food that some people will miss or not miss:

Indian Curry

Nepali Momos

Vietnamese Pho

Cambodian fried tarantulas/snakes/beetles

Sweetened condensed milk in coffee

Baby bananas

Bones in meat

Rice for every meal (for now)


Shoutout to all the treasurers and the currencies they had to deal with every month:

The Indian rupee (65/$1)

The Nepali rupee (103/$1)

The Vietnamese dong (22,600/$1)

The Cambodian riel (4,000/$1)

The Thai baht (34/$1)

Something we take advantage of in the states is being able to use our debit/credit cards, overseas it’s rare to find a place that takes card and it’s always a guessing game..


Some sayings like:

“Same same but different”

Tshirts that have bad English on them

—- A kid at church wore a shirt that said “99% pervert” … awk. One of my squad mates posted a blog a few months back with some other cool shirts.. check it out



Later Asia.. Its been real.