“Okay, you’re going to play the egg.”

“Uh, okay,” I answered Katie, my fellow squadmate and awesome worship coordinator of our whole squad. She is SO talented and is so good about challenging others to step out of their comfort zones. I was asked to help be part of leading worship with some other girls for debrief here in Nepal, which is comfortable for me. Give me a microphone and place me in front of people, and I’m okay with that. But I tend to play it safe.

So Katie hands me an egg shaker, and I’m nervous!

My thoughts are a little spastic and irrational: you’re not a percussionist, you’ve never really kept a beat in front of other humans, what if you mess up the guitars and distract people from worship?!

It was a little ridiculous. And I realized that even in playing this egg shaker, I am growing. Space is created for failure to happen when we take risks, and I have chosen what is familiar to avoid this potential failure in the past over and over again. And it’s time to fail. I need to learn the truth that I cannot attain perfection! There is such FREEDOM to experience in trying and failing. Because at least I tried. And what is there to lose? I am loved by the Creator of all things, and my identity is not in my egg shaking abilities! I’m happy to say no one was offended by my egging. Haha. My squadmates and leaders are such troopers. 🙂

So here’s to growth and processing what the Lord’s been teaching me month 1 in India! Please pray for the Nepali people we are interacting with here even before we start ministry soon. True ministry and being witnesses for Jesus never really stops in our lives anyway, right?

Please pray for my team and that we will continue to grow closer together as sisters! We’ve been choosing to be so vulnerable and real with each other, and we’re experiencing the way Jesus loves us no matter what in the way we accept each other’s good and bad moments. Pray for our squad to be unified in our vision to be the church here and be the hands and feet of Jesus led by Him in all things! I can’t wait to share stories of ministry soon with you all!

Thank you for your great love and encouragement!! I am overwhelmed at the hard and beautiful journey that I’m on. Thank you for being part of it all!


[These Himalayan mountains though!! More pictures and God stories to come! :)]