Have you ever wondered what a typical day on the World Race looks like? Well prepare yourself for a little sneak peak into life in Draganesti, Romania on month nine of the World Race.


8:00am: Wake up time! Wow look at that mess! Must be moving soon!


9:00am: Breakfast with my friends!


9:30am: Out the door and on to way to church for prayer time and ministry



 10am-12pm: Arrive at the church for two hours of intercession prayer and loving on the church grandma


12pm-1pm: Team time! Everyday is different but today we went to get pizza for lunch and played with puppies on the street.


1:00-2:30pm: Teaching math to our little friends.



2:30-3:30: Game time outside of the church with all of our students




3:30-4:30: Baking time! We bake muffins to take to some homebound and elderly people.



4:30-5pm: A special treat! I got to facetime my friend Tara while the muffins were baking! I love her!


5:00-6:00pm: House visits and delivering the muffins! We love to visit our friends!


6:30-7:30pm: Dinner and fun with our whole squad



After Dinner- Sleeptime: Having fun together playing cards, watching movies, or having prank wars.



Thanks for stopping by, over and out! -Abby