Monday I found myself sitting in a storage closet filled with boxes, trash, lamps, boogie boards, and storage bins. My task for the day was to clean it out and organize all of the things inside of it. You can ask my mom, but this kind of task is one that I am particularly skilled at, which happens to be a blessing and a curse if people know about it. While living at home, it was a typical to have a list of chores on a Saturday morning. Mine always consisted of all organizational jobs such as the pantry or linen closet. I grew to hate it. (Sorry mom.)


But on Monday, when the list of jobs were read out, I jumped at the chance to be the organizer. Maybe it was a little taste of home or perhaps it was something greater.


There is something to be said about feeling utilized and needed. On the race, there are months that you can go the entire time and not feel like you gave anything of value. This year has been an amazing time of really learning about myself and what I have to offer. 


Each month I have invested in new ministries to diverse people groups and have had the privilege to see His work in a variety of different forms. I have learned that I can lead a team and that people respect me as a leader. I recognized the love and gifting I have for the elderly generation and have grasped onto passionate visions for the lost.  I have seen and overcome areas in my heart which were guarded and secret to others, allowing myself to embrace wholeness and unity within His body. You see, each month, ministry, team, location, and community has been an opportunity to be stretched and taught about who I really am and what I possess within myself (even if its simply being able to organize a closet.)


We arrived in Ireland last Sunday and hiked our bags through the rainy streets lined with people who were waiting on the parade to march through (bagpipes and all.) The small and beautiful town of Coleraine, Northern Ireland is surrounded by cozy coffee shops, thrift stores, and some of the most precious people I have met this year.


Thirty-five of us are living together this month working with an amazing church called Causeway Coast Vineyard. During the day, we clean the facilities, organize their thrift store and food pantry, attend addiction recovery programs and this coming week we will be teaching a VBS for the children. It has been an amazing week and already I see the fruit of growth that this month will bring.


Please continue praying for this month, that my spirit would be receptive to what He has and how He leads.


Be on the look out this week for a few funny stories from the race, and updates about life in Ireland.


 Photo Credit: Jamie Lawhorne  (my best photo friend on the race)