

She jumped into our tuk-tuk and quickly grabbed her camera, careful to not miss her chance to capture everything around her. She laughed and waved as she took in all the sights; a family all piled onto one motorcycle, busy store keepers selling unidentifiable fruits, and kids running on gravel with no shoes. Everything to her was exciting and beautiful, and a mystery she was ready to explore.


I watched her from my side of the tuk-tuk remembering the way my heart jumped a beat the very first time I drove through a foreign land. I envied everything about her outlook and desperately desired to capture it again for myself.


This month, my team is hosting a student from the US who is interested in learning more about missions. The trip is called Exposure and our new friend for the month is Sarah. We are encouraged to help teach her about missionary life, but I have a feeling she’ll teach us more than we’ll teach her.


You see, its month six on the race and our outlook towards foreign culture has lost a bit of it’s sparkle. Miss-communication in the markets that used to make us giggle, has become a frustration we avoid. The street food that looks so adventurous and fun is just a reminder of the twelve hour bathroom problem we endured the last time we ate it. And the stares and finger pointing, please just stop.


But while sitting in that tuk-tuk watching Sarah, I experienced something I had forgotten. I felt a stir in my spirit that was urging me to wake up to the privilege of this life that I am living. It has been too easy to get caught up into what I miss from home, and neglect the beautiful gift I am experiencing right now. 


I don’t know if we will teach Sarah much this month, but I know she has already taught us something quite special. She has given us a re-awakening.


Sarah, on behalf of Team Phnomenal, it has been a great blessing to spend the month with you and seeing your heart! We will be praying for you and excited to see where He leads! <3