Dear mom,


I have been surrounded with many people this year on my journey around the world. I have met many hero’s of the faith, doing remarkable things for Jesus in some of the darkest places of the world. I have worked alongside women with huge hearts and a hunger and thirst for Holiness. I have been challenged, encouraged, and strengthened by people who I consider to be champions for Christ.


But none of them compare to you.


You are more noteworthy and significant in the growth of who I am than any other person in my life. The wisdom and discernment that you pour into my life has grown me into a women who yearns for truth. Your love and compassion for me transcends into the way I love others, even those hard to love. The dedication and commitment you have freely given our family, in good times and bad, motivates me to give the same to those I minister to.


You have the brightest and purest heart I know. You love others in a way that is truly breathtaking. You radiate the joy of the Lord and constantly self sacrifice for the sake of others. Your loyalty and passion for the great commission is evident in your actions and your lifestyle. When you talk about Jesus, you emit the contagious breath of God to those around you.


Not only do you share my heart for Jesus, but I love that we share a heart for adventure and fun together as well. I love simply spending time with you. I love your willingness to embrace randomness and silliness with me. I enjoy the freedom of being your friend and partner in crime with mischievous ventures.


So this mothers day, though I am too far to give you a hug and sip coffee together, I will offer you this truth from the bottom of my heart:


You are a hero to me and I testify God’s faithfulness because He gave me to you!


I love you more than words.


Your Abby