Ladies and Gentlemen!

Here it is, the 21st of February and M Squad and I are nearing the end of our ministry in Nicaragua.
It has been a humbling experience to say the very least.
In everything, there is a lesson.
From being sick on the concrete,
to working the earth under the hot sun,
to beautifying the environment by picking up trash,
to working with children with special needs,
to preaching and leading worship with our squad members translating.
Truly, Nicaragua has been a beautiful place, and now also bears a mark of the love of Christ that wasn't there prior.

Brothers and sisters, I am here before you to humbly request your loving participation in this, my ministry on the World Race.
I know full well that the Lord has called me in a powerful way to be here and give myself away on this trip.
I am overseas as your ambassador for service to these, God's incredible, unique and diverse people.
And now, I am need of your help.

The numbers are these:
Right now my account has $9,210.95 (thank you all So much!!!)
By April 1st I need to have $11,000, so I need $1,789.05 to meet the goal.
My final deadline is July 1st when I need to have the full $15,500, needing $6,289.05 to stay on the Race for the whole thing.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with this Race ministry!
Anything that can be donated to this cause is much, much, much appreciated!
Please, also pray for me, my team, M Squad and the World Race in general- so vital!
Thank you all so much!
