It's Happening.

What's that, you ask?

This is reality hitting hard.
Really hard.
This is dreams coming true.
This is faith being put into action, not just words.
This is God moving.
This is me dying to struggle
and struggling to die.
This is incredible.
This is an act of God.
This is the great catalyst for my mission work.
This is beyond anything I thought I would ever do with my life.
This is bigger than me.
Way bigger.
This is bigger than everything at home.
This is home.
This is doing His will for my life.
This is just nuts, okay.

I remember being stationed at the kitchen table that particular Sunday night..


Around this time in my life I thought a lot about my future, more than usual. It seemed so blank and open; I could fill it with anything I wanted to. I had recently come to the decision that I was going to save up for school and pay for it outright instead of taking out any loans as to avoid debt. This left me with a few years of unstructured time to plan for. I was thinking about what I would do once I squared away my associate's degree. I pondered the types of jobs I could hold, how they might look on my resume and what I would even do with my resume. Did I want to invest in a car and move out? What about a motorcycle? Ooh. That sounded like fun. But aren't those things just another way to spend money? Wasn't I trying to save for something?
I surely didn't think mission work was the answer to any of those questions.
Apparently, it's like God has some sort of plan for me..

I was sitting at the end our well-loved wooden table, hunched casually over the bowl of whatever I was eating, paying only half attention to my environment. The air was still and the lights were off, inviting the remaining sunlight to fade in from the windows to drip all over the floor. The clock ticked as per usual, the sink was brimming with dishes and our dog was laying under the table. My job had a way of particularly draining my energy when it was Sunday, probably because it was the day I never really wanted to work the afternoons. Exhausted, I fiddled with my spoon and stared blankly into my bowl, absorbing the fact that my brother had just exited his room and was moseying into the computer room. Nothing crazy.

My brother started to talk to my father over the in computer room which was just down the hall. He had been talking to one of our missionaries after church, asking questions about his life and about the organization he was working for. He works for Adventures in Missions, a name I would soon come to know. I heard only a few snippets of the conversation my brother was relaying to my father.

"It's called the World Race."..
"Eleven months in eleven countries."..
"Yeah, that sounds so crazy, right?"..
"Oh, look at this route.."

My dazed outlook suddenly came into intense focus.

"Wait, that sounds interesting..
What were they talking about?
The World Race?
Eleven months overseas in all different countries?
Wow.. that does sound crazy, but awesome..
I mean, I..
Yeah, that would be so insane.

I have to know more."

I stood up and made my way to the computer where my brother and father were investigating the different routes that people could take: Kenya, South Africa, Ireland, Thailand, Nepal, India, Peru, Costa Rica.. We must have looked at all the available routes at the time, just to read how many places there were. Mission work in all those countries; what a mission That would be; and to be gone for almost a year? Wow. That really was a commitment. I walked back into the kitchen and scooped up the remnants of my meal, positioning my bowl just-so on a mountain of precariously stacked plates.
My mind was saturated.
I paused at the sink, trying to sift through my thoughts..
Immediately in motion.
Power button.
The World Race.
Spiritual calling.
More blogs.
Fire building..
"If I'm meant to go, God will provide.."
Pray more.
No way..
I think I'm going to do this..
I think I have to do this..
I have to go..
I'm going.


Training Camp is now a mere three days away. I remember sitting at my computer desk, being filled with spiritual fire to serve the Lord, grow drastically in Him and embody His commandments to serve the least of these. I remember also thinking, "This is crazy" and "Could this really happen?". I thought about my limited time, my life's meaning and the deepening of my life message. Then I thought, "This can't be one of those things I just dream about doing but never actually do. This can't be one of those goals that I never attempt to accomplish because it requires too much of me to attain. I can't just sigh and contemplate. I will act."

So here I am; a completely imperfect but willing vessel, actually going.
Only a few things left do do, now.
I'm still about $9,400 away from being fully funded.
That seems like a lot, but
the deadline for December and I are so close that we're almost able to hug it out.
I'm at almost $5,600! 😀
That's only $900 short of my next deadline, but I need help getting there.
Please, prayerfully consider donating to my mission.
I would greatly appreciate any donation you might be able to give.
I know I've been powerfully called to this mission and He will provide what is needed through the generous heart of others.
Help me to help serve others and spread the incredible love of Jesus to every tribe, nation and tongue.
