So I’ve been in Ecuador about a month now. I have seen all the beautiful mountains. I have had some successful conversations in Spanish and some failures. I’ve rode a bus with entirely too many people crammed on it (well I do this daily). I’ve learned my ministry and it’s purpose. I’ve talked to people about Jesus. I’ve learned new things. I’ve eaten Ecuadorian food & sometimes have gotten a little sick from it. I have laughed a lot. I have learned how to sprint across the streets when there’s a small break in traffic. I have noticed all the darkness and spiritual warfare here. I have cried. I have seen people living below the line of poverty. I have seen people living just like I do in America. I have bought some cool pants for 5 dollars. I’ve bought a full 3 course meal for 3 dollars. I’ve taken a shower so cold my bones were chattering. I’ve also taken a wonderful, hot shower. I have begun to see the purpose of why the Lord created me.

Long story short, I’ve done a lot of things the past month. It’s been busy. And I’m finally starting to feel like I’m “settling in.” As much as you could settle in with completely new people, things, and food anyways. And God has moved my heart into the position of “okay God, why do you have me here?” I know I’m here to share the gospel. The freeing, beautiful, eternity changing, life bringing story of Jesus. But what does that look like on a day to day basis for me specifically?

I am wondering why exactly I am in Ecudaor. Is there just one soul here that God is calling me to invest myself into so deeply that I forget about myself entirely. Or is there just some little kiddos that He wants me to hug and kiss. Or maybe God just wants me to pray so fervently for His extraordinary people in Ecuador. Maybe he wants me to do all three of these things. The question is which person do I pour myself into? Which kids do I love on? How does The Lord want me to pray for his people? How does He want me to use my gifts to edify the body of believers in Ecuador and encourage them to reach further into the darkness of their country.

I know that’s a of questions and to sum them up… God, why do you have me in Ecuador?

The best part about having questions for God is that He is more faithful than our wildest dreams. He has better answers than our minds can conceive. I am on my knees waiting for my Father, my friend, and my overflowing well of wisdom to answer my questions. To show me who needs the gospel. To show me which kids to show extra love to and what prayers to pray for His people. It feels good to be seeking purpose. I may not know why I am here exactly, but I know I am where I need to be. And I know God is challenging me daily to push me into my purpose in Ecuador. He is creating in me boldness and passion for Him.

So God has a purpose for me in Ecuador and I know he has a purpose for you wherever you are. A specific, detailed, life giving purpose to live by. Ask Him to show you that purpose and seek with me for The King to reveal to us our purpose in each moment of every day. And let’s do it praising Him while He shows us the moments we were created for.