Since I decided to go on the World Race: Gap Year, I feel like life has gradually become more and more of a whirlwind.

Merriam-Webster defines a whirlwind as “something that involves many quickly changing events, feelings, etc.”

I’d say that’s a pretty accurate description.

Changes had come from so many directions already and I made a choice to allow myself to face even more changes, when I said yes to going on a 9 month mission trip. This past year, I turned 18, graduated high school, and made so many friends. I have been blessed.

Then I also faced changes in my church… our pastors were called to go to a new city and my youth pastor became my senior pastor. Along with these changes, more changes came. At first, it felt very uncomfortable. Honestly, it hurt sometimes. Too much seemed to come at once and my mind was in overload. 

But it was also beautiful. God was speaking into the lives of those around me. He was calling them into their next step. I would hope that my life could be a picture of  how we should trust in the Holy Spirit, just like I’ve seen in my own parents and church family. 

That’s how I view the change in my own life. It won’t always be beautiful, though. I will have and I do have days when I feel so uncomfortable, unprepared, and unqualified.

This verse gives me comfort when I feel this way:

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” -Psalm 46:10

It speaks to me. Just yesterday, I was talking with someone– who I admire greatly– about the first part of this verse. She broke it down and helped me gain a new perspective on it. The rest of the verse gives me so much joy. It shows that God is working and that we need only to trust in Him. He is nothing but good. We can do our part in His plan, but it is important to give Him control. 

In just over 100 days, I will be leaving for the World Race. I am sometimes unsure of how to feel about this, because of the many things I have left to do, but I know that ultimately, I want God to be honored throughout the world.This begins in my own heart, as I prepare for this trip and seem to lose my mind at the thought of leaving all that’s comfortable and known. His plan is so remarkable and sooo much better than my own.

Thank you for taking the time to read what is on my heart! I wrote while almost falling asleep, but I have felt led to share for a while now, so I just had to. Your support blesses me.