Hi, I’m Abby! I was born in Sacramento, California, but have lived in San Antonio, Texas for my whole life. I am currently a senior, and will graduate from high school in May! My favorite food is ice cream, and I love to cook and bake. I seriously love dogs (probably too much sometimes) and photography! Some of my favorite things to do are arts and crafts, hanging out with my friends, petting puppies (obviously), and babysitting! 

I am so excited to be able to say that I am going on the World Race this upcoming year! The World Race Gap Year is a nine-month mission trip to 3 different continents. As I have looked at both college and other gap year programs this past year and prayed a lot, I feel that God is leading me to take this leap of faith with Him! I heard about the Race from a few friends in my Bible Study, and peeked at the website on and off throughout my junior year, thinking something along the lines of “I could never do that!” As I looked more and more at the website, I also began watching some vlogs of Racers. The more videos I watched, the more my thoughts changed into “Could that really be my life?!” After lots of prayer and talking to my family and friends (and God) I took the plunge and sent that email asking for more information, and here I am today! My route will be going to 4 countries in the 9 months I will be gone: Costa Rica, South Africa, Thailand, and Myanmar! For nine months, I will be living and traveling with my teammate around the world to be the tangible hands and feet to the Lord’s people! Leaving America, without having been out of the country before, for 9 months comes with many challenges that are not lost on me in many ways, but I am so ready to live the radical life of love that Jesus has called me to!

Now that you know a little bit about me, I would ask that you pray for me and my future teammates as we embark on the beginning of this journey! If you feel led to, there is a little button up at the top of my page you can click to donate! 15,800 dollars to raise is no joke, but as a dear friend told me once, “God’s will, God’s bill”, and I know that He will see me through what He has called me to! I can’t wait to get to know you some more and meet you as well! Thank you for reading and praying along with me in this journey!