Hey guys!  Sorry my blogs are so few and far between, but I’m working on it!

Something that I’ve been struggling with lately is being terrified of everything that is happening.  This whole World Race thing is a lot to take in and to be honest it scares the crap out of me.  This is something so huge and so new that I don’t even know what to expect or where to even begin with preparing for it.  Deadlines are coming up for payments that I don’t have the money for, equipment needs to be picked out and ready to go, insurance things need to be dealt with, immunizations need to be set up, etc. and it’s all so overwhelming if you take it in all at once.  My squad mates have been a huge help with this because they’re all going through the exact same thing, but I just can’t stop wondering if this is really what I should be doing with my life or if I’m doing it for all the wrong reasons.  But then I get these little nuggets of encouragement that let me know that this is really what I’m supposed to be doing.  I am so blessed to have the support of my family and friends on this and I could not even imagine doing it without them.  God is doing some amazing things in my life right now and I think that all of this doubt and un-sureness is necessary.  I know that this is something I really want to do and it is something that I feel called to do, I just need to learn to have a little faith and trust and know that God will do BIG things for me and through me.  That’s a lot easier said than done though.  I like to do things on my own and asking for help is such a hard/scary thing for me.  And asking for money is even worse.  I feel so guilty, but there is no way I am able to undertake this huge adventure by myself.  I need help and support from others and I know that God is laying it on other people’s hearts to help me, I just have to ask.  If you have already helped to support me and this huge adventure, I want to thank you.  You are all such a blessing in my life and none of this would be even a remote possibility without you.  Even if you are unable to support me financially, all of your thoughts, prayers, and advice are so unbelievably encouraging to me and help SO much. 

If you are interested in helping me out financially, there is a support me button on the side of my blog, or you can shoot me an email at [email protected] for some more information.  Even if it’s just to let me know that you’re praying for me, I would really appreciate your guys’ emails and words of encouragement.   I’m a worrier and it’s hard for me to just take a deep breath and let God handle the situation.  I like to plan and know what’s happening, but right now that’s not what I need to be doing.  I need to learn how to wait and trust that God will take care of everything I need and to rely on Him instead of myself.  I'm still a work in progress, but I'm learning!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." Proverbs 3:5-8