I would be lying to you if I said; “having season of my life
spent in the states and seasons of my life spent overseas was something easy
for me.” When I am home I know
that being with my family I am always going to laugh until I cry. I know when I am overseas that joy
abounds in me when my life is filled with time spent with unwanted
children. When I am home I love to
invest in lives that I have known for 24 years. I know when I am overseas that I am living life when people
I don’t even know captivate my heart. 

is where the Lord loves to intervene. He loves to take time out of his day and make sure both of my lives
intersect. He knows my heart wants
to feel at home even though it actually never looks like home.

week I was thinking about all the small details of what needed to get done
before the squad leaders travel to Puerto Barrios. I knew that I needed to get some travel day food and was
wondering how I would be able to get into town to accomplish my to-do
list. Roberto overheard me
speaking to Scotty the leader of the team we were visiting. He said in his perfect Spanglish
accent, “No problem you can fit.” Not understanding why or why not I would fit I went ahead and agreed
that would be great for me to get this off my checklist.

about thirty minutes Roberto was ready to head out, he honked his horn and I
came out and got in the car. As soon
as I set down and shut the door I heard whispers and giggles coming from the
back. I turned around to see five
boys with big old grins on their faces. At first shy to ask me questions they asked through Roberto. “What is her name? Where is she from?
How old is she? What is her name again?” After understanding one of their questions in Spanish I turned around
and answered and they just giggled.

short little visit to the grocery store soon turned into a day out with the
boys. We first headed to the dump
to drop off some chairs. Then the
boys helped me shop for travel day food. They constantly tried to throw cookies into my basket. Then headed to the parlor where each
boy got his haircut. 

this is where I realized that the Lord made this a day of collision for my
life. It was of time and place
where he made home and overseas one. When I am home one of my favorite things to do is spend time with two
boys, Luke and Beau. Honestly it
doesn’t matter what we do but it is always a time that brings life to me. And this day was another day at
home. No it wasn’t hanging out
with Beau and Luke but it was. It
was the Lord showing me once again step out this box that I find myself in and
find myself putting him in and take a look through his eyes. It was a reminder to look at the
situation of what was in store for me on that day.

are still going to be days where life just blows because it is back and forth
and back and forth. What a
challenge to look at my days ahead through his eyes, not through mine and know
I will be looking at a totally different picture. Eyes that bring hope, security, peace, life.