You think I would have it down by
now.  I have been practicing for 15
years.  I should of walked a
thousand miles so what am I still doing here.  Living in community but struggling how to live with each
other.  Reaching out for the same
forbidden fruit.  Somebody tell
what I am supposed to do. I get so clumsy, I feel so useless.  But he saying he still loves me and
that he wants to be near me.  Cause
he is making me holy.  My only hope
is to fall on Him.

Well my short 16 days in India has
come to an end.  It has been a time
of adjusting to new culture, experiencing new team dynamics to being challenged
by children in an orphanage to choose joy and teaching women what trust is but
not only teaching that but living that out in my own life.  This short month my eyes have been open

A Community:  The place where we lived with 15 former
prostitutes that have been given an opportunity to start over.  They have been give a place to stay,
food to eat, a place to learn so they can become self-sustained.  But in the midst of all that they learn
what community is about, by living in it. 

The Streets: Many places
where these former prostitutes are found. 
We were able to walk the streets being shown what work goes on there.  As we walked you could see the pain in
these women’s eyes but felt useless, as there was nothing we could do.  They were either women that were caught
in sex trade or this is the only way they know how to make a living.

An Orphanage: A home north
of the women’s home where children stay that are some children from the women’s
home, orphans or parents that can’t afford to raise their child.  Even though our visit was short this
orphanage has already left an impact in my life.  Joy reigned in this place and it will remind me I have the
choice to choose “JOY.”

A New Culture: Not being
able to look men in the eye, always feeling like you are going to get in a car
accident while in any vehicle, beautiful fabric that make beautiful sari’s and
never knowing where in the world you are going (these streets are so

It has been more then a blessing to
experience this place we call India. 
Even though my visit was short I know that I will not be able to forget
those women that are learning to live in community, the women that are taken
advantage of on the streets to those joyful children in the orphanage.