When I was younger, people asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, but I didn’t really know what to say.

Over the last couple of years I’ve been serving in short term mission trips around the country and Haiti, and fell in love with the challenge and adventure of missions. 

The act of serving people in need spiritually and physically is amazing to me.  

Over a year ago it came to me in prayer that I wanted to serve people in the name of the Lord in a third world country, with an emphasis on medical needs. 

Because of this desire, I spent the Last year earning my EMT certification, which has given be a great handle on basic first aid and medical assisting. 

During my EMT Clinical internship, I was helping out at Inland Valley Regional Medical Center and a man came into the ER with a shattered femur. He was in a great deal of pain, and clearly in need of help. The Doctors and medical staff took over, and I got to help out in some basic ways. 

The reason I’m sharing this it to say that the experience didn’t upset me, or creep me out.  I counted it a privilege to be there to help, and even more, I got to pray for this man during his crisis.  

That’s why I want to go on this 9 month gap year mission trip. 

I have the knowledge, I have the hunger, and now I have the opportunity. 

Would you please pray about supporting me. 

PS- A special shout out to all of you who have already stood with me. You have gotten me half way there! YAY! I thank the Lord for you with tears in my eyes and my heart