Mike Hirst sings a song called Hello, Are We Broken? where the lyrics comment on living for more than just self-satisfaction. There is a phrase in the song that sticks out to me everytime I hear it. It says:

"Comfortable is such a sad word. Weren’t we made for the unknown, how can it be, we’ve lost ourselves?"

I think about the comfortable life that I have wrapped myself in over the years. I have been so richly blessed and yet I waste the blessing on my on selfishness. The American dream tells us to work hard to make a life for ourselves in which we can be comfortable.

No one likes to be uncomfortable. As Christians though, aren't we called to live for something more than our comfort. Christ calls us to a life of abandonment and complete devotion to him. Christ tells us to turn from our selfish ways, take up our cross and follow him.

I dare you to move past your selfish ambitions and take the challenge of being uncomfortable. For some this may be fighting our fears head on. For others this may be doing something for someone you would never normally do. Christ propels us into action to be his hands and feet an carry out his will.

If we would just move past ourselves we would realize the glorious freedom and joy found in living according to God's will. If a generation rose up of people devoted to serving as the hands and feet of Christ, the world would see first hand the evidence of Christ's love.

We are called to so much more than ourselves. We are called to something more.