This week has been a scary one for me.  So much happened that I did not expect. I started off the week by looking at my account and noticed I didn’t have as much money as I thought.  I was almost short on my rent, and then noticed that my bills were a little higher than usual.  That was only from Sunday to Tuesday.  Tuesday night I had to work overnight which is not really that bad, but I was wore out because it was also finals week.  I went through the night and got off at four Wednesday morning.  I got home around 4:30 am, and laid down on my couch in the living room because I had a final at 9 and knew if I slept in my bed I would not get up.  

Around the time I actually got to sleep, my phone starts vibrating.  I look at the phone and notice that it is my Aunt calling me.  I thought “well that’s weird, why is she calling me so early?”  Then I answer the phone.  My aunt says, “Aaron don’t freak out!.”  Which immediately makes me freak out.  “Your mom has been in a car accident and is headed to the hospital.”  I ask if she is ok and my aunt tells me that she has a broken leg.  After all of this goes on I talk to my aunt a little longer and try to find out more details, but she doesn’t know too much besides the accident happening.  Of course when you find out your mom is hurt you can’t sleep after that, so I immediately call my sister and tell her to get to the hospital.  She gets up immediately and heads to Pine Bluff where mom was rushed after the accident.

I go through the morning without sleep, take my final and drive three hours to Little Rock where my mom is.  My sister was able to get my mom transferred from Pine Bluff to North Little Rock to be closer to my family.  Once I get to North Little Rock, I go directly to the hospital.  The first thing I see is my mom in the ER and waiting for surgery.  She has been filled with morphine and is sedated.  She can’t talk to me or even move.  Her foot is wrapped and bloody.  Her other food wrapped as well.  I’m standing in front of my mom with my sister and all I can do is stare at her.  I was a son scared for my mother.  I just wanted to hear one word from her or her just to notice I was there.  I start crying and just hold her hand think that maybe she will notice I’m there by my touch.  I stay there with her for around an hr when the doctor tells me that he is moving her to another area of the hospital for surgery.  

Mom is moved and eventually prepped for surgery.  They started the surgery around 7 pm and it lasted till 1030.  After they were done, my sister and I immediately go to the room and she is awake and talking a little bit.  The first words out of her mouth are “Im sorry son.”  She is saying this because the accident was in my car.  I look at her and tell her “it’s ok, I’m just happy you are ok.”   I love my mom dearly and I am just happy she is alive.

So to put my week all together, my account was lower than I expected, i was almost short on my rent,  my bills were a little higher than usual, my car was wrecked, and my mom was in the wrecked car.  It’s been a tough week but I know God will continue to be with me.  With all of this going on, I am having to take care of my mom and pay some of her bills.  I won’t be able to put as much in my world race account as I would like and I hate that.  

The one thing that I know though is that my God is still living and active.  This week is a struggle, but I know God will provide for me and my family.  I know that people will give to my ministry with the world race.  I know people will be there for my mom and I know that I will grow from this week.  Please pray for me as I try to take care of my mom and also try to continue raising funds.  Any encouragement for my mother would be great as well.  Thank You and God Bless.  Below is a picture of the car.

God was with her