we were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip. Here is what I’m expecting ….. 
Last minute thoughts on my trip,
well its a little early to right about last minute thoughts right now
but i have been thinking about the trip and just how amazing this trip
is going to be the people going all seem like great and interesting
people and I’m excited to get to know them all. I’m sure that my last
minute thoughts will be something like Dear God I hope you us me in an
amazing way over the next year and then my thoughts will probably be I
hope I got every thing, I hope my families going to be okay, and man I
hope I don’t miss my flight I’m always nervous about missing stuff not
sure why. 

Worries, I
don’t really have to many worries seems more like a part for my family
cause I’m sure they have more worries for me :). there are a few things
I’m worried about though. One being money I’m still a little worried I
might not make my goals in time but I’m really more worried about the
fact that the people that give the donations might need it more then
me, I worry about this because I’m not one who likes to take money from
people I always worry about stuff like that might sound weird I’m not
sure but its how I am. the other thing I’m worried about is that i
might forget to do something Important before I leave. 
Expectations  I expect to reach at least one person so that that person can reach at least on and then that person can reach one and so on. 
I expect to plant seeds in peoples heart that over the years will
grow into something amazing. by this I mean we may talk to people about
god and they my reject what we say they may call us crazy but that seed
or that message will be there with them it might get them thinking and
over the years while other people just like us might come and talk to
them about god (water the seed) and they will start to feel that pull
at there heart thats what i mean by planting a seed.
I expect to grow closer to god and to see the members of my team to grow closer as well
I expect to be amazed by the things we see.
I expect to be to be happy to be sad to be to be full of emotion. 
I expect to make some great friends. 
I expect to see miracles.

I expect never to be the same when I return I expect to have grown. 
I expect to be faced with challenges and to over come them.
there are many things I expect but i expect there will be things i just cant expect. 
I cant wait to see what happens I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon hope your all doing well.