Who am I has to be one of the easiest sounding Questions out there, yet for so many of us my self include is probably one of the toughest. How ever I will try to tell you a bit about my self even though I’m not much of a writer. My name is Aaron Clarke and I’m a 20 year old college student in Ottawa Ontario, studying in the art of photography. I was born in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan and I was born with a blockage and a Cystic fibrosis which is a non-contagious multi-organ disease affecting primarily the lungs and the digestive system  but i wont bore you with that if you’d like though you can look it up. The doctors had to do surgery right away and i was put in to an incubator, which they were saying I would be in the hospital for months but thanks to God I was there for only a couple weeks. Now all though born in Saskatchewan I did live there long, we moved on a few different occasions but I spent most of my life  in a small town called Simcoe where my dad pastored at a church called Full Gospel Fellowship where I attended and enjoyed most every Sunday. I was part of the youth group there for many years and was at one time a youth leader helping with events and such. During grade nine i went on my first missions trip through my church, we went and did dramas and songs and told them about God it was an amazing experience and from then on I’ve really wanted to do more just haven’t got the chance up until now. When I finished high school I moved to Ottawa to attend Algonquin College for a higher education, however the course I took I quickly found was not what I was supposed to do. I ended up taking the rest of the year off and came back the following year for the photography program which I have enjoyed greatly and will be finishing up at the end of the month.
I was never much of a reader, never found books that really caught my attention until my brother showed some of his books, and there was one author that really caught my attention. Ted Dekker his books were amazingly written and from then on I’ve loved reading all kinds of books like a book called do hard things or sinner another book by Ted Dekker.
I love movies always have i probably see to many and should slow down but i find they take my mind of things and there a fun way to get out of the house. I just find the theater to be interesting. One of my favourite movies is called the greatest gift or something like that.
I don’t listen to much music but I enjoy it when I’m walking or when I just need to clear my head. I used to listen to all kinds of music but I found that if it was secular music it distracted me and bent my mind so i got rid of all my secular stuff and now only listen to non secular music. I like bands like Pillar, T.F.K, Manic Drive, things like that. 
I used to love playing sports like soccer which I played for six years and basketball, football, street hockey pretty much anything really. I really enjoy rock climbing right now though, haven’t done it to much but when i go i enjoy it. My favourite is probably paintball it’s just loads of fun when your playing with friends.
As for the rest of my life well I’m not really sure what God has in store for me over the next few years but i look forward to finding out. 
Well I hope that gives you a bit of info about me if you want to know more though feel free to ask. Thanks for your time every one hope to hear from lots of you soon.