This last week I would say is one of the greatest weeks of growth in my entire life.  I’d like to take some time just to update you on what I’ve been doing.
On Sunday, September 20th (Mom’s b-day), I left Arad and headed to Brasov, Romania with Brandy (team leader for Proclaim I61).  We rode a 7-hour train and arrived in the evening to meet up with Caroline and a couple of others from our squad.  Brasov is set in the Transylvanian mountains and is absolutely breathtaking.  Four squads (H, I, J, and K), AIM staff, and several alumni racers all converged on Brasov for the Awakening Conference.  This is over 200 people!  Five days packed with debriefs, large and small group sessions, phenomenal teaching, and a “night watch” intercession.  It was incredible.  I met quite a few Racers from different squads and it was glorious to see us all sharing the same passion and drive for the nations.
For the past couple of weeks I felt like something was missing in my spirit.  It was as if I had just been going through the motions.  I knew what I “should” do as a squad leader, but it just didn’t feel like it was clicking.  I don’t know if I can fully explain it any other way.  So for the last two weeks I had been praying for brokenness in my spirit.  I desired for God to truly break my heart with the things that break his heart (including my squad).  Well, throughout all of the exhaustion that I experienced sitting through these debriefs, I finally reached a breaking point.
It was our third night session and we were led by the AIM staff to pray and intercede for the nations.  There were flags stationed around the room of all of the countries that the World Race has either been to or was going to see soon.  I began with Spain, then moved to Ukraine.  I prayed and interceded but still, I felt like it was somewhat of a routine.  What happened next I truly cannot explain.  I reached and grabbed hold of the Swazi flag and instantly, my heart broke.  Visions came to me of the time that I screamed to the heavens on behalf of Swaziland.  Tears flooded my eyes, my voice shook and I fell to my knees.  Traday (from my September 07 squad) stood beside me clutching the flag with tears streaming down her face.  I thought about baby Moses, I thought about the Care Points, Pastor Gift, AIDS, and the many faces of the children.  I was completely shattered.  I remembered what it was like to feel the Holy Spirit move my heart in this way and how he heard and answered my prayers.  My thoughts then turned toward the J-squad (August 2009).
I want nothing more than for them to truly grasp everything that the Lord has in store for them this year.  I want to lay myself in the mud to see them rise to greatness.  I want to encourage, exhort, and edify their souls.  I yearn for them to bring Kingdom.  I desire brokenness for them and for them to be shaken for the nations.  It’s out of our brokenness that God truly answers prayers and we see the Kingdom of God move.
At that point in the evening I stood up as the staff called the squad leaders to the front to begin ministering to the World Racers.  A generation that is desperate to see God move in ways that are inexplicable to the human mind.  In that moment, in my brokenness, I felt his Spirit welling up inside of me like never before.  My hands burned and my heart was full of nothing but love for these Racers.  As I started to lay my hands on them, the Spirit of God touched them.  Many were slain in the Spirit, many were broken with tears, and several were filled with an intense joy.  As I walked around ministering to them, the Lord was whispering in my ear the words that they needed to hear.  I mean seriously, I was receiving words of knowledge that I had NO way of knowing.  His presence was so thick and tangible in that room.  I was actually an open vessel operating out of a broken place.  I wonder what it would look like if we were truly a generation broken for the things that break God’s heart?  How would we see the Kingdom of God move?  Would the Word of Life become active and alive to us today?  I believe it would.  I believe we would see nations of awakened spirits to the truth of who God is today.
So this month was wonderful.  I stayed with Proclaim I61 with the kids from Oaza doing construction in the mornings, and investing Kingdom into the kids in the afternoons/evenings.  The Awakening was an experience I will never forget as long as I live.  Brasov is beautiful.  I was able to go paragliding for super-cheap one day on a day off, awesome.  And now, I’m preparing for a solid two-days travel to Montenegro to visit teams 7 Camels and Unwritten.  This upcoming month is what we call an ATL month where teams have to Ask The Lord where it is they are to go.  Who are the movers and shakers in the country?  What is the spiritual climate?  How is God moving?  Is it a location for future World Race teams to be able to sow and plant?
This month is very similar to the story in the Bible where the spies were sent out to do some reconnaissance work to find out what kind of fruit the land will yield.  So that is this month of October.  Caroline and I will be traveling together this month!!!  Yes!  We will start with those two teams, then head to Albania to see Team Silas and Triumph, then to Bulgaria to be with Proclaim I61 and Fuel.  So it will be a busy month but I am so excited.  I love these World Racers and I can’t wait to see them raise the dead in Jesus’ name!  Please pray for our travel in and through these places this month and I look forward to updating you on the amazing things that God is doing!  Peace be with you.

Photos taken by Nick Derington