Before reading this post, I encourage you to read the following: 1 Samuel 18:3-4, skim 1 Samuel 20, and 1 Samuel 23:16-18.

God has laid out the importance of close-knit relationships.  In fact,
we all know that our God is a relational God.  But how serious is He
about it?  I mean, we see pictures of the intimate relationships that
he had with men like Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc.  Then, in the New
Testament, we see the holy marriage between Christ and his Church and
how it illustrates the bond between man and woman as husband and wife. 
This is covenant.  Please take some time to read Chad Mast’s blog
on marital covenant as well.  But how often do we actually see this
kind of holy relationship between two men?  Answer:  HARDLY EVER.

In fact, we are really given only one detailed account of this
brotherly covenant in the Bible.  Is it because it’s not that
important?  On the contrary, I believe that it’s because it is
something so rare, so holy, so impossible without the love of Christ,
that we only see one case. 

If you’ve taken time to read the passages above, you will see the story
of Jonathan and David.  They got it.  They understood covenant.  And
they walked it out their entire lives.  It was not something taken
lightly.  Even when Jonathan’s daddy was out to kill David, he stood
side-by-side with him.  Jonathan encouraged David to greatness even at
the expense of himself.  Jonathan could have been angry that he would
not be king, but instead he wanted David to be great.  It is
sacrificial.  It is dying to yourself.  You see this in all types of
covenant.  They also took on responsibility for each other’s families. 
It is a lifelong commitment.  You never leave the table if you are
serious about it.

I have recently learned the value and importance of this covenant with
my own eyes.  I have witnessed Gary Black and Andrew Shearman walking
it out.  They don’t just blab about how great it is to be in covenant
or how “cool” it sounds.  They live it out.  Through the good times and
the bad.  When one is acting like an idiot, they are still there.  This
covenantal bond is something that I always knew I wanted, I just never
had the wording to express it.

So I bring this out all because Seth Bowen Barnes Jr. and I have
decided to walk this covenantal life out together.  Our desire is to
bring greatness out of the other.  We would lay our lives down for the
other.  It is not something we take lightly.  In fact, we know there
are going to be times when we want to “leave the table”.  But that’s
what it’s all about.  Sticking it out.  Being there when you need them,
and even when you don’t.  Taking care of the other’s family if
something were to happen.  Good times, bad times.  We’re IN. 

So I ask you to pray for us as we embark on this journey together.  We
desire to see each other grow into the men of God that he’s called us
to be.  I pray that this post can encourage those that are in
covenantal relationships whether marital or brotherly.  Be blessed!