Today began our first day of over 4 weeks in Bacolod City. Our ministry locations and plans have been pretty much taken care of and we are just following the Lord in where He is leading us. Our first stop was a place called CRS (Care Recovery Shelter). This is home to around 30 patients who suffer from tuberculosis. This site was not even initially planned for us, but one of the Care ministry workers said that we should go. So we went.

We sat across the room from these 30 or so people who were afflicted with the disease. One by one, about 6 people shared their stories of how God has used this in their life to strengthen their relationships with Him. With each story came more tears. The women sharing could not hold back anymore. They shared of the rejection that they experienced from their families and their communities. They felt like lepers. They felt as if they had lost everything. But what was even more exciting is how joyful they were in spite of their circumstances as their tears hit the floor. Toward the end of their stories, we were asked to share something. When Jeanette spoke, many of us could not help but break. For me, I learned that the brokenness that I’ve been experiencing does not compare to their situation.

Through their stories, I have found renewed hope and vision. I am able to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We were able to visit their small homes and pray over some of them for healing. The saddest part was being told that we should make sure we use sanitizer after touching them. It made me feel like I was treating them like something less than human. I understand for precautions and what not, but still. So, against advice, several of us began hugging them. I cannot explain the joy that they had from a simple touch of love. Some began weeping. Now, please do not misunderstand me, I don’t advise giving hugs to people with contagious diseases, but if the Lord calls you to…well…then trust that he has a reason for it and that he is going to protect you.

Please pray for healing for those at CRS. Please pray for financial support for these people who need medication. Pray for their families not to have hard hearts toward them. Pray for spiritual growth that will continue once they leave CRS.

What a start to our time in the Philippines! Oh yeah, we found a turkey for Thanksgiving!!!!!