Over 95% of Thai people are buddhist. Almost all of the men become monks for some period of their lives. You see them walk the streets every morning. People donate food to them as they collect their daily rations. For them, its an everyday routine. Its their life.

My heart was heavy today as we visited several buddhist temples in Bangkok. Although we appeared as tourists, I know that our whole team felt the intense oppression in these places. These places have been set up to honor animals, buddha, or nature. They are adorned with ornate decorations. Gold covers each temple or shrine. These buildings are magnificent to look at. However, the people are worshipping what was created and not the Creator. Oh how I pray that eyes may be opened in this country to see beyond that which is created. There is a longing that is not satisfied by these buildings or statues. It is felt and seen among the faces of the many Thai people. They want it, they desire it.

Please pray that God continues to open doors in this country. Please pray for the hearts of the Thai people who are dissatisfied with buddhism. Please pray for the monks that serve at the temples. Please pray that the darkness be lifted up from this country and for light to beam down. Please pray for our team as we head into ministry tomorrow in Northern Thailand. Please pray.

If you’d like to see some more pictures from the day, just go to “check out the sweet pics” on the left. Blessings