Hey everyone!  My name is Aaron Bruner and I’m a 22-year-old from Kennesaw, Georgia and i’m extremely excited to be a part of The World Race and what God is doing globally.   I have decided to go on The World Race because I know that God has put fulltime missions on my heart and, quite honestly, I just want to be obedient.  This whole thing started back when I was 15 years old when I accepted Christ as my lord and savior and it has been an incredible journey ever since.  I am getting a premed/spanish degree from Kennesaw State University (whoo dee whoo) this spring and yeah, i’m so ready to graduate.  I hope that my spanish skills will help my team through central and south america and that God will use me to speak truth and share the love of Jesus to so many who are lost out there.  I just want to be used to the full capacity in which God has gifted me and I don’t want to take any of these gifts for granted.  I am praying that God tests me and puts me through some tough trials on The World Race because I want to know that I am fully relying on God and not myself.  I want to break out of the Western Church mentality where everything is provided for us so easily and that we expect things to be easy for us.  I don’t want that anymore, I want to know what its like to struggle and find my total and complete satisfaction in God and not other things.  I’m tired of giving him the leftovers!
    I guess this calling to fulltime missions started when I was a senior in high school.  I was fortunate enough to travel to Jamaica on a mission trip and God opened my eyes to a world that I had never seen.  I saw a world that was hungry and suffering and without hope.  I realized right then and there that there was work to be done and that God was calling me to participate.  See, these people, the ones who are starving and tired, are not just suffering physically, but spiritually as well.  I wanted to provide solutions to both of the problems.  So I started college with the intention of becoming a bilingual pediatrician who would travel to other countries doing medical missions.  Well, midway through my college career I felt God calling my heart away from medicine which was a crushing blow to me.  I had always wanted to be a doctor and it was an eye-opening experience for me to trust God to provide another plan for my life when I had invested so much of myself into this other plan.  But hey, I trust Him.  So now, here I am, ready to take on the world.  I’m ready to be a part of a generation hungry for reaching the nations.  I want no regrets in my life.  I don’t want to end up 20 years down the road asking myself “what if?” when I have the opportunity right now to get out there and just OBEY.
    So yeah, I hope you get a little feel for who I am from this bio.  Here’s a few less important things about me, but still pretty cool… well I think so.  I’m a quarter mexican (which means i’m short, about 5’6), I love the outdoors, hiking, camping, fishing, pretty much everything a true Georgia boy would love.  I wrestled for 14 years of my life so I have a pretty tenacious spirit and I love playing my guitar which I’ve been doing for about 7 years now.  I work as a substitute teacher and I lead a prayer ministry on our campus at KSU called A Praying Generation.  It is about uniting Christians from different backgrounds in prayer for our campus to be effective as a body.  Oh yes, here’s a funny story about being a quarter mexican.  My grandma’s name is Daisy May (that’s as southern as you can get) and she’s from Kathleen, Georgia.  Well, guess who she married… Timoteo Castro.  Yeah, I don’t know how that worked out, but hey, I’m here so it’s cool.  Alright, I look forward to posting, thanks for reading!