Hello to everyone out there in the vast world of the internet whom have by some strange means come upon my blog!
My name is Aaron Braun. I’m currently 19 years old and this is who I am and where I’ve come from.
I was born on August 10th of 1994 and raised in Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA by Robert and Kim Braun. This is known as the best day of their lives by my parents. No doubt I was the cutest bundle of joy they had ever seen.


I have 2 older sisters (Becky and Rachel) whom I fight with but love to death. They both know I would win in a fight but sometimes you have to indulge them. Some times I get beat with a cane (see picture below) or other things when it comes to a fight, quite an unfair advantage I’d say but hey she (Rachel) is pretty short and needs all the help she can get!


Oh before I go on, for those of you that don’t know me or have just met me through my blog, since you are basing my appearance on my profile picture where I have short hair please be advised I used to have a pretty awesome set of locks on my head (You know, that brown curly stuff)!

Getting back to my sisters, they are pretty great but at times (most of the time *cough cough*) they are pretty cruel to me. Man do I remember the days of dress-up (as a girl of course!) and making fun of me. You see I was tortured as a child by them, if it wasn’t Rachel faking that I punched her and me getting sent to my room, it was Becky dressing me up or painting my nails or doing my hair like a girl’s. But I’m sure I got them back somewhere along the way. If I haven’t, this is a fair warning. (Yes, that’s me in a pink dress with my hair and make-up done. – Like I said, torture! My sisters were pure evil). Truth be told my family is great, parents and siblings alike. They are a huge reason for me being the way I am today and I owe them a lot! So thanks for always being there and putting up with my at times unpleasantness.



Just so everyone knows, I’m pretty weird and totally okay with being myself. I do weird things, dangerous things, crazy things and just go with the flow. If you dare me, there’s probably a good chance I will do it (unless it’s one of the few times I let my better judgement keep me from a new adventure). Don’t believe me? In grade 8 my teacher asked for a volunteer, I said I would before understanding the task. She decided to point out the fact that I didn’t know the task yet to which I told her I would still do it. So to prove her point she said I needed to take off my right sock and stuff it in my mouth (pretty sure this was after gym). I did. She was grossed out. End of story. Anyways, I am me and me is unique and fun.


A really big part of me is sports!! You name it, I’ll do it! Sorry, this does not include soccer (it’s not a sport, merely a hobby). I ride bikes as you can tell from my profile picture but I also play hockey, rugby and a little volleyball. If you’ve realized now or know me, I am Canadian, so the hockey was expected. I play goalie in hockey and love it. The crisp sound of skate blades crunching into the ice on every stride and cut, the sound of a stick hitting the ice right before a slap shot, the screams of fans after a beauty of a save. What’s not to love?! Rugby is a more recent fascination of mine over the past 6/7 years. I have played various positions including scrumhalf, inside centre, outside centre, flanker, hooker, fullback and prop (in 7s). I play both 15s and 7s. Volleyball I played all throughout elementary school and part of high-school.


Currently I work in my family’s bike store known as Braun’s…is BICYCLES as the Assistant Sales Manager and Junior Buyer. I’m also a part-time superhero (shh… don’t tell anyone!). In addition to those things I also serve as the youth intern at my church, Bethany EMC for this year. It’s a pretty sweet job and I love working with the youth and I really hope I can inspire them on in their faith!


Other random facts about me include that I love kids, I’ve preached a sermon in church before (awesome experience) and I’m asthmatic.

In the future I hope to attend Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford, BC, CAN!

The only other important thing I guess you should know is that I’ve met Santa and for all of you doubters or unbelievers out there I just want you to know he’s real. Pretty nice guy, but a lot smaller than you would think he is.


Other than that y’all should know I wish I had cowboy boots and a hat, I was also born in my house, I am blessed with so much and I love God and want to serve Him and make Him number one in my life.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and get to know me. I would love to get to know anyone following my blog, so post a comment!

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