On Stranger Tides
     My last blog was about lessons God has been teaching me and they haven't ceased to amaze and challenge me along the way. I recently finished reading the book Normal Christianity by Jonathan Welton and basically was BLOWN away by this book. 
     The book is all about getting you to see the life as a Christian in a more profound way, especially in regards to God's love for us. I even ended up watching a teaching about Identity that talked about the same material. It was so intense, yet very much needed! 
     I wrote two poems from chapter three (check them out over at ajwagoner.com). 
     Anyways, I wanted to share more about my heart for Europe and the opportunity I have in Ireland. 
     I've talked in past blog posts about London and God leading me there. I believe He is steering me towards Europe as a whole, because it is time for Europe to be mobilized for His Kingdom and for His Kingdom to break through the darkness that eclipses much of Europe. 
     Now for Ireland, AIM is partnering with a youth director out of New Jersey, who God gave a vision to start drop-in centers for the youth in Ireland. These drop-in centers provide the youth a different place to go then the entrapments of the pubs that so many frequent on a regular basis. 
     They offer a chance to pour into youth and disciple them based on living life with them and having relationships with them. It's a beautiful scenario and one that totally speaks to my heart. 

     My time at IHOP in Kansas City, MO has solidified my desire to be apart of the team from AIM that goes to Ireland to bring LIFE to this country. I had many doubts and was unsure of myself; however, God has been speaking to me about my need to have confidence in my decisions and my hearing of His voice. It's been an intense, ridiculous struggle throughout the time since last September when I first made the decision. 
     With all of that said though, I can assure you that I am to go to Ireland and Europe as a whole to begin to unify the Body of Christ for His Kingdom. 
     I will need help though, so I come before you humbly to ask for your partnership in this endeavor. I have a long way to go, especially financially. 
     I have been having big prayers lately and asking God for $100,000 to take care of all my needs, i.e. student and parent-plus loans to be paid off, publishing the poetry book I wrote while on The World Race, and the two year initial commitment to being in Ireland. 
     Will you, faithful readers, join me in prayer for God's amazing provision and if He lays it on your heart to help, then please just send me a message and we will begin that process. 
     Much love to each and everyone of you! May the Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you always and show you the path into the beat of His heart. He loves and adores you much! 
     God Bless!