Awaken My Dreary Soul to Dream:

Part One

    How do I put into words the last week and a half? How could I probably tell you, my readers, all that God has downloaded to me??

    I'm not really sure, but I shall try.

    On the night of September 14th, my friend Josh (as well as his friend Chucky) drove me up to St. Augustine, FL for me to wait for my squad-mate Mac Mitchell to go to his house until the morning to leave for Gainesville, GA and the Adventures in Missions (AIM) base. This drive alone, God showed up, as one of the guys was going through some difficult situations and I just started praying for God to show up and fill the car with His presence. He did. He did so amazingly that it was the one going through the troubles that brought God up and allowed me to share some of the things I've learned from the past year of walking with God. I couldn't believe the conversation we had and before they left to go back home, I prayed for them and they were both really receptive to the prayer.

    I worshiped God outside the McDonald's off of I-95 as I waited for Mac.

    The next morning, Mac and I headed for Gainesville, GA to attend The Awakening. The Awakening is a conference for World Race alumni to be able to remember their stories and be poured into by amazing men and women of God that desire our generation to rise up as the generation that will make a difference. It is usually held in Ireland, but this year they held it in the States and even opened it up to family and friends of WR alumni. It was amazing.

Pictures of all the squads signed by those at the event. 😀

    One of the speakers, Anthony Chapman, is from York, Great Britain and he brought a freshness and a new way to look at the New Covenant that God has put into place through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will have to look him up online for his podcasts. I highly, highly recommend it.

    Michael Hindes also spoke, he is the director of The World Race, and he just has a passion for my generation. He spoke about motion and that we after the Race don't need to become stagnant and motionless, but need to continue moving forward into the promises and inheritance that God has for us. It was very encouraging and strengthening.

    Worship was led by Jonathan David Helser and his band. Per usual, it was amazing, breath-taking, and all around full of God and His Spirit as 250 to 300 members of my tribe sang for the glory of God. We also saw and/or heard from many others, either out on the field or getting ready to go back out, about their stories and what God is doing in the nations. He is so amazing and so alive in this world.

    Three days of intense life within the presence of God is such a refresher and encourager. S-Squad even had about 30 people there altogether throughout the three days of The Awakening and on the second night 25 of us were able to get together and have a dinner together. How amazing!

    It's strange to think that after a year with sixty other people that they can become so close to your heart, or that those from other squads can become family instantly just from a few days hanging out with them. It's definitely a God thing to pull so many of His children together and to Himself AND it's BEAUTIFUL!!

    Stay tuned for the second part of this Awakened Soul….