Bread & Butter Battlefields
Well, how do I really put into words this past week for me?? How could I really bring to light the difficulties that sprang up all around me??
Josh and I at the historical rock (before I got sick that night)
First, last Tuesday, some of us spent the morning going to a really famous rock here in Iringa Town for a time of prayer with our pastor. It was amazing!! Picture 'Pride Rock' from The Lion King and you almost can get a picture of this gigantic rock! I also was able to write a poem that God had told me to wait to write for once I got to the rock, so a win-win for me!
Later that night, we spent time as two teams with Scotty talking about our different experiences from the previous weekend when we were sent out two-by-two (or three for one group). I shared that night, out loud, the poem I had written at the rock, but also the poem I wrote to America called 'America's Psalm'. What came next…crazy!??
You see that night I began feeling heavily oppressed and attacked by the enemy, which I knew would happen as I had just taken the offensive and told the enemy to his face that I would stand for America and fight the good fight. He brought the counter-attack…HARD!!
I got sick throughout the night having to get up constantly to go to the bathroom and had very fitful sleep. Somewhere during the night my bathroom trips began resulting in diarrhea and I had the express urge to throw-up, but couldn't. I was exhausted and could sensse the enemy throwing more and more at me. The next morning I went with my team's advice and went to the clinic (not what I desired) and found out that I had malaria and an amoeba.
Prescribed to me were three medicines and re-hydration salts for the following three days. Also, prescribed to me by the enemy were a constant wave of throughts and ideas not my own. I constantly had to repeat: 'I take that thought captive in the Name of Jesus Christ.'
You are not loved like you thought you were. You aren't close with your teammates like you should be. You can't do ministry. How you gonna stand in the gap now? How you going to fight me now? You are stuck eating bread & butter! How's that salty water taste? Hahahahahahaha…..
On and on went the thoughts that the enemy threw at me and on and on did I have to respond with my repeat line and with other reassuarnces that I was still loved by God.
Thankfully, Father prepared everything ahead of time. The enemy may have had me in my bed, but God had me in His arms teaching me the finer points of cleaving to Him and relying upon Him. Daddy had it so planned out that three of our friends from Uganda (Eddy, Edgar, and Michael) came to visit us during the time I was sick, as well as our squad-leader, Scotty. These four men, plus my teammates and team Pneuma (all of whom constantly talk of how much they love me) prayed and prayed for me with a passion and fervency that took back the battlefield flag from the enemy.
Eddy from Uganda…washing my feet (with Edgar too)
I can honestly say that though being sick and out of ministry sucks that having this time for God to teach me more of Him and more of just how much my family here loves me is definitely worth the struggles of the last week or so. Now, I rest and build up my strength once more after the Bread & Butter Battlefields…for soon this mountain next to us shall be conquered!!
Please pray for the following:
Place to stay in New York for the nights of the 31st and 1st.
Whether or not I should stay and go to the Kingdom Dreams week-long conference.
A way home from The Awakening or from the Kingdom Dreams conference.
Strength, faith and courage for my family…just my family in general.
Better understanding for what London is all about. When that will be specifically.
Squad with travel and everything coming up as we move to India.