
    So, in Nairobi, Kenya right now with the whole squad for month eight debrief and I must say it never ceases to amaze me of just how electrifying the air gets when we all worship together.

    This debrief is all about what's next and the plans we have after getting home to the States. I, to be honest, have no earthly idea what is next, other than that I will be in Florida for a little while praying up a storm for what's next for me. I have in the works a poetry book that will be pulled together even more the subsequent months coming up, as well as the idea to sell Threads of Hope bracelets, the ministry I worked in in the Philippines.

    One of my squadmates also recently told me that her and some of the other musicians will be going to Tennessee to record an album and they would like me to join them with my poetry and the spoken word that comes from my poetry. Awesome!!

    Either way, I am reminded constantly of the fact that these next tree months are the present and the right now. I must be focused on them; I must be set in bringing Kingdom now and to be frank, I'm ready and excited for our time left. Today, during worship I saw a veil to these next three months being torn and rended in two as we are going into these next three months ready and unhindered to just change nations! I love it!

    I have also realized that we, as a squad, are going all in these next few months with a fresh anointing and as a fresh launch period into our last three months to rock the nations of Uganda, Tanzania, India and America when we get home. I'm super excited and ready for battle! I'm ALL in and set for the horn to blare to charge the gates of Hell!!!

    I have a poem to share titled 'Three More Months'. I hope you enjoy it. It's for my squad, but it can also be for you with whatever you have next coming up in your life, which you can do while 'UNVEILED' to the glory of God and what He has for you.

Three More Months

Three more months…
    Three more months…
        Three more months…

Three more months to bring the Kingdom of God,
Three more months to share life with S-Squad!
Three more months to bring each other into Glory
And share with one another a great story!

Three more months to love on one another,
To spend such time with you, sister and brother,
To pray together, laugh together,
You, whom I love, birds of a feather!

I'm not sure what life looks like after the Race,
But I better not lose sight of your faces–
My heart beats for each of you,
'Tis true, 'tis true.

Excitement roars deep within
To have three more months to breathe in
All the wisdom and truth I can get
From such sisters and brothers I can't forget!

So, three more months to bring the Kingdom of God,
On a Race as S-Squad,
Yet forever to share and be there for one another,
My dear and precious, sisters and brothers.

I love you!
    I love you!
        I love you!
            I love you!

My hair straightened…weird!!