'Follow the Signs'

    Well, here in Kenya and the ministry is amazing! We have gone on many house-to-house visits and done quite a few home-cell Bible studies! The other day we got to go in two different groups and my group went around with Pastor Patrick. Little did I know it would be my best day of home visits. We welcomed a brother into the Kingdom, encouraged several other brothers and sisters along the way, and even got to say hi and play with some little kids as we journeyed around. It was exhilarating.

    Now, as to the title of this blog and why I got to my computer to write in the first place. A few days prior to the day above I felt the Lord telling me to 'Follow the signs' and at first I had no idea what He was talking about. Then, on Wednesday, we went and toured the famous Eldoret cheese factory (has chesses, yogurt and ice cream…they had Gouda, Red Higland and different Cheddar cheese, all of which were amazing). Anyways, on the way into town, I again felt the call to 'follow the signs', so I began looking at all the signs around town.
    I saw one that had the name Brooks in it, so I prayed for my brother and squadmate Brooks. Another had the name Crystal in it, so I prayed for my sister Crystal. The other one that really stood out to me said something about the city of London and this is where I got stumped. I remember knowing someone at Flagler named Lundyn, so I prayed for her, but it still didn't seem like that was the fullness of why Holy Spirit was pinging away at my thought process concerning this sign.

    Then, the following morning, I've been reading in Luke, but I randomly went to the beginning of the Gospel of John and in my Study Bible it talks about how John is the only one to describe 'miracles' as 'signs'. I was intrigued and looked up all the instances of 'signs' in John. There are seven such instances that John specifically states:

  • 2:1-11…water turned into wine.
  • 4:46-54…the Jewish nobleman's son is healed.
  • 5:1-9…the man healed at the pool of Bethesda.
  • 6:1-14…feeding the five thousand.
  • 6:15-21…Jesus walks on water, calms the sea, and supernaturally transports the boat to land.
  • 9:1-7…a blind man receives sight.
  • 11:38-44…Lazarus raised from the dead.

    All of these instances that John writes about point towards the deity of Christ, towards His divine nature. The fact that there are only seven signs that John uses does not mean that Christ didn't do other things, it just means that John was selective in the signs in used to prove a point about Christ's deity. In fact, at the end of John (21:25) it states: "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen."

    You see through Christ's divine nature, He is God and possesses power over nature. A powerful statement by 'the disciple whome Jesus loved.' As I have been writing this, I have been reminded of the Scripture that states that 'the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within us.' So, maybe God has been asking me to 'Follow the Signs', in order to strengthen my faith in believing that I can do such things as well to when I pray to Him. Something to pray about.

    Also, as I've been thinking on this and we had team time the other night, Ashley and Jake both mentioned things about us needing to remember the 'signs' and such that God has performed in our own lives. I can tell you that brought up a lot of memories of how God has been with me, even before I was born, though I'll let you ask my mother about those instances.

    I'm still in the process of figuring out what all of these things mean, especially for me and my relationship with God and how it will bring about changes in the way I perceive those things that happen around me. All I know is that I must 'Follow the Signs' and let Him guide me, even if that means that at some point I go to 'London' to work for a ministry or go for school, as in going for writing, as in that is where C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, two authors I look up to are from that area. I say this, mainly because I thought of it last night and it was a weird thought, but still worth praying about.

    Please pray for God's guidance in this endeavour He has brought before me to 'Follow the Signs'. Thank you and your prayers are much appreciated! God Bless! Be safe and please leave a comment or two! 😀

Zeb and I over a glorious view!

Team The Cavalry, Team Daybreak, Shannon, and friends