Ready to Rumbleeee!!!

    On a stormy night, Team RockStar piled into a van with two Indian-Malay brothers to journey to an all-night prayer meeting. It was slow going with the rain and traffic (think I-4 in Downtown Orlando and times it by three, plus the fact that you're on the opposite side of the road and you'll get the picture). We stop for an Indonesian pastor and then head to the island of Penang.


    The plan: meet with local pastors in the mountains/hills and pull an all-nighter praying for the nations.

    My heart quickens at the thought, even through a downpour. We come to a stop at the bottom of the mountain and pile into a pick-up (guys in the back) to journey up as far as possible. It began to pour, as Dex and I stood in the back of this pick-up (a very small truckbed) and sang glories unto the King, alive even now before the fun begins, all while listing back-forth up the rough road.

    We come to a stop and trek up to a ministry house owned by the pastors. We get comfy, dodging foxes or chipmunks or whatever it was that came out the night, then enjoy a meal and fellowship with fellow believers. We share a testimony (go Emily) and hear a word from Pastor Peter about the acquistion of the property we were on and the trials and tribulations they were currently dealing with, very intense stuff, but these men of God take it with grace and practice what they believe in their hearts.

    The rain comes to a stop and so five nations trek up to the top of a mountain…4 native Malays, 3 Chinese-Malays, 2 Indian-Malays, 2 Indonesians, and 6 Americans…a muddy, treacerous endeavor to be sure. In God's great kindness and grace, the sky begins to clear and the moon shines ever so bright!

    A unique location, in that, the top of this mountain is the exact center of the turtle-shaped island of Penang and as you look around you can see the whole expanse of Geogetown and surrounding cities, as well as the other side of the island and the expanse of ocean behind it. The future plans for this site is to have two prayer houses for the nations to come and pray to God Almighty for the world. For now, 17 children of God hanker down under a tarp canopy to pray and to pray ALL night long!

The city lights below

    We begin to worship as the sky clears and the moon comes out to shine with a fresh, renewed brightness of His glory, while the lights of Georgetown and other towns twinkle below us with a fierceness of desperation. I found myself laughing with glee as His presence fills my heart. I couldn't stop thinking of how sweet the sound to hear the praises of so many brothers and sisters from so many different backgrounds.

    Penang has the most idol worshippers in Malaysia and has the largest idol temple on the island. It's massive! So, we prayed for these people lost in the confines of a ruler who does not love them. We prayed that God would breathe through the streets of Penang and all of Malaysia to bring revival and revelation to the masses. We prayed in many different languages, as it was actually prefaced that it didn't matter what language we prayed in, because God knew every language and could understand. When it was my turn to pray, I was overwhelmed by His presence and just let His Heavenly language/tongue flow from my mouth. It was joyous to do so again without worrying of what others may think about it. It was freeing and I found my heart burst with a flame unbeknownst me.


The large idol worship temple

    We prayed for the unity of ALL Christians and for the Denominational spirit to be vanquished and cast into the sea. As we prayed, the Glory of God was present, He was present in the sky, the air, the space between me and those around me. I could feel His presence more closely than my own skin! Beautiful, simply beautiful!

    We split up and I walked around watching the sky as I worshipped to Jesus Culture and just plain out danced, as I prayed for my squad, my teammates and what He has for us this next week, the rest of the Race, and as I just bared my soul and heart before the Creator of the Universe with NO MASK to be found! The exhilarition and sheer joy that came was amazing!!

The city lights with a long exposure time
Kind of looks like a dragon or phoenix huh??

    I will be honest and say I dozed off a couple of times, but only for five to ten minutes. Other than that I was able to watch the sky and His stars as they finally came out for us to see, the city below us and the places beyond the island, as well as in the early hours a lightning storm behind the other mountains behind our vantage point. I could feel the air be electrified by the King of Kings. My heart was filled with Him and I WANT MORE!!!!

    After one of the times I woke up, it was so foggy that NO lights of any place around us could be seen. One of the pastors even joked to me saying, "The city has disappeared." (In a very serious voice). I just looked in wonder and amazement, not wanting the night to end!

    However, the night did end, as the sun rose on the horizon (unfortunately I dozed off on the rock I laid on to watch the stars and missed the very beginning, but the rest was glorious)! On the way down the mountain, I laid the team (and those with us, as they joined in) in declarations for the day and I can say that I am pumped and…


The city in the early morning and God's sunrise!!

    *Note: I say this phrase because I am about to go into the months of the Race that I think God has been preparing me for (plus the rest of the squad) and it is going to be a battle like no other. In that, please keep us in your prayers and please, please comment on my blogs or send me a message…I'd love to hear from you all! May the Lord richly bless you!

In Christ's, the Potter's Hands,
A.J. Wagoner