'…but it was a good pain'

    In light of the news of our new squad leaders, Cody and Lindsay have stepped up to be team leaders in Shannon and Scotty's steads. As for the Lionhearts, we are now spread throughout the squad on different teams. At first I thought it was strange, then I remembered something Shannon said one night as we met together that we as a team (Lionheart) weren't only meant to stand in the gap for each other, but that we were meant to stand in the gap for all of S-Squad. Hence, therefore, why we are spread out amongst the rest of the squad.

    So, now, for this season my new team is Lindsay (new fearless leader), Ashley A., Emily, Annalisa, and Dex. Each one is an amazing child of God with many gifts and talents for His Kingdom.

    After finding out this information, we were asked to spend some time in silence in His presence and through that two hours, God just brought me complete peace about this transition and I'm super excited. My new team and I then went and saw the 3rd Narnia movie, 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'…it was nothing short of epically amazing!

    In one part, one of the characters (Eustace) gets asked how it felt having Aslan change him back from a dragon to a boy and he says something to the effect of, "…There was a lot of pain, but it was a good pain." I bring this up because of change. You see, Eustace had to go through a transformation of ripping off the old, scaly dragon skin to get to who he truly was…layers and layers of it…and that is exactly what is happening within myself, as well as all of S-Squad. These team changes, while painful, are for a purpose that God alone knows and will bring about great transformations within each and everyone of us these next eight months. I'm excited to transition into this new season and can't wait for what God has in store! God Bless you all!

    Keep reading to find out more about my new team and our team name later on…thanks for reading!