    This past week has been nothing but amazing! We left Honduras, though heart-wrenching, I was excited because I knew that I would see the rest of the Squad soon and I desperately longed for that, especially to catch up with my bestie, Nikki. 
     Anyways, during debrief in the beautiful city of Granada, Nicaragua, we found out our next ministry for the month of December and we will be going to the country of Panama to put together a Christmas program for three weeks. So amazing!! 
    We got poured into by our Squad leaders and Squad coaches (Mama C and Pappy…pretty much our parents for this race). Just being able to have deep conversations with these five individuals, plus other members of the squad has been amazing! 
    Worship with the squad has been nothing short of powerful and sooo full of Holy Spirit goodness. One night we started praying for our sister Keryn who wasn’t feeling well and then prayed for her team, Team Brady. Mac asked for us to get louder and for more and as soon as he finished I felt Holy Spirit flow over and through me and just started praying in tongues as loud as I possibly could…I seriously could not stop even though I was drained. As I was praying, everyone else got louder as well and Mac said I led everyone with that boldness to pray. 
    Throughout the week Nikki has gotten visions for everyone and for teams. The vision she got for me is a ball and chain with a key somewhere, signifying that there are things holding me back from being the true man of God that I was created to be. I am to be seeing a lot of release from these things and freedom throughout the next couple of months. I’m excited and there was also one about our group to where I’m a dragon in the distance, but once the ball and chain are gone I will be coming with all haste to help the team and squad through a lot of spiritual battles. If you knew how much I love dragons, then you would know the amazing-ness of being seen as a dragon (probably also means my dragon tattoo on my right side is coming soon). 
    Either way, this whole past week has given me nothing but peace and contentment knowing that I am in God’s will for my life and that He is with me every step of the way. So excited! 
   *We are now in route for Panama with Teams Pneuma and Crash of Love. Ginger has family in San Jose, Costa Rica and all three of our teams got hooked up to stay at their house. They are true brothers and sisters in Christ. It is ridiculous how family will show up in the blink of an eye to take care of you. God is so unbelievably good and plain out insane for orchestrating this stuff. We got homemade food for dinner and breakfast…exquisite! Leaving today at 12 for Panama. 
   LET’S GET IT!!! ROAR!!! 
   Please pray for all of S-Squad for travels and for funds, there are some individuals who have not gotten the money they need in yet and so we must lift them up. Thank you all and I love you!! 
Not entirely sure yet, but I believe my team will be in Volcan (Vulcan), Panama. Can you say, ‘Live long and prosper.’? hahahahaha…