Alright, so it has definitely been an insane road to get to where I am right now; however, that is not why I bring up this term…
   Tonight, Marcus (my best friend), Jonathan (my cousin), and I (obviously me) went to see Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and well, let’s just say God uses strange means to talk to us. It’s a very good movie and it definitely makes you think, but one line really stood out to me:
      ~”The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting to see different results.” (probably butchered the line)

   Anyway, this line kept repeating itself in my head and then God just started showing my life before signing up for The World Race and well it just started clicking…why I got led down this path; why I am the way I am; why I don’t like to put up with the crap of this world; why well everything….
   Before The World Race I went back to start Grad school and continue on with education, even though I had already told myself that I was done with it when I finished at Flagler, yet I went back…I tried to go with ‘oh well, everyone wants me to succeed, everyone wants me to do things this way and get this great paying job, can’t do that in this day and age without more schooling apparently, might as well go back…’ Yeah, well, it was fine and all, but really I wasn’t happy with it. I mean on the surface I was fine and dandy, but I think deep down, even in the parts I didn’t know, I was upset and not liking my decision. It’s not that school is bad or anything…it’s that it’s all routine, it’s all doing the same thing over and over and over. It’s simply insanity.
   There would be no guarantee that I would finish Grad school and find that good paying job, which to me a good paying job is one where you can be yourself and not have to hide behind a suit and tie. A good paying job is one that challenges you, yes, but also asks you to be a better person to those around you and to not put the job or career FIRST. I cannot honestly put a position in the world above God, nor my family and friends, nor myself.
   So, I’m on The World Race. I had come to a crossroads when I was deciding between Campus Crusade’s Athletes in Action and The World Race…a crossroads because choosing Campus Crusade would’ve been (and I say this sadly) but another step in the repeating cycle of insanity (and this is for me not everyone); whereas, The World Race is well the choice God desired me to choose. I know someone’s reading this not following me…
   Campus Crusade for me would have been the choice of thinking that I was off to something great and doing what everyone thinks I should and would’ve got me to where God so needs me eventually, but not at the pace He desires. On the other hand, The World Race throws me into the den with the lions, into the fire pit, into the fray of war for the souls of men that it accelerates the process of me becoming the Man of God, the Warrior of God that He so desires me to be. I know now completely why He so led me down this path….so that yes I could bring Kingdom to the nations, but more so that I could find Him and myself in who I am truly meant to be.
   So, as some may think I’m just insane and at a loss of touch with reality…I actually must say that this is the MOST sane thing to do and the MOST realistic thing that I could be doing with my 25th year of life (October 4th is my birthday). I must also say that I’m going to challenge YOU, yes YOU…no, no, no…not the one in the green tie, but YOU, reading this blog, right now, I challenge YOU to break free from the cycle of insanity and do something you never saw yourself doing before (and no, not something that would be detrimental to your family like running off with the robot secretary or robbing a bank, but something worthwhile and with meaning…maybe even if it’s buying 2 dozen roses for that special someone or taking an old friend who hurt you out to dinner and forgiving them for whatever). Seriously, do something that will leave a mark on the lives around you…hold a door (gentlemen), give up the taxi, buy extra food and then sit down with some homeless and eat dinner WITH them…the sky is the limit (though you could go skydiving and just be totally crazy, but hey up to you).
   I am about to embark on the journey to find my heart, my soul, my true manhood in Christ, and indeed my God! Will you join with me?? It’s easy as subscribing to this blog and reading diligently when you have spare moments, but also by serving Him not out of duty or fear or thinking it’ll make you better, rather by serving Him out of love, devotion, truth, sacrifice…
   I ask you to pray for me on this quest I’m on and for my team and squad! We will surely need it.
   To close, if you look up the related words to insanity on the list is all about words dealing with being sick…well, Scripture says that Christ came not for the perfect and well off, but for the sick and broken, the poor and the needy. He came for me. And He came for you. If you desire freedom from the mundane life of INSANITY, then look no further than to the Great Healer, the Everlasting, the Son of God…Jesus Christ.
   I love you, but my love cannot outweigh His love….take some time to pray and then some time for silence and let His love wash over you.