So, I was sitting here reading a note I wrote on Facebook and got some very chilling words from the devil…
First, here’s my note I posted on Facebook:
“So, you have seen me post about The World Race since about April or May and are on the brink of saying yes to supporting me on this endeaavor placed before me by God, yet you question: where is my money going to? how could I give to this? is he just going on an extended vacation??

  Well, let me answer these questions as best as I can…

First, I am NOT going on an extended vacation. The World Race allows me to yes travel to other countries, but it is also chalk full of time-consuming work helping the down-trodden and less fortunate. I will be spending time with the ‘least of these’, or the widows, orphans, and other castaways of society. My team and squad will be going to bring the Kingdom of God to the nations on our route, which is not a vacation but a trip full of exhausting and crueling work that is going to stretch us past our limits, in order to rely upon God even more.

That route is Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Philippines, Malayasia, Thailand, Cambodia, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, and India.

So, what does that mean for those who decide to give or would like to give? Well, it costs money to travel to these destinations first and foremost, so part of the funds I need to raise will go towards that. Then, I will have a budget of $3 to $4 for food each and every day. Other parts of my budget will include money for lodging and transportation while in each country.

Those are the biggest things that my funds go to. Every team has a finance person that will help keep every member on task within their budget.

  If there are other questions, then please ask.

Finally, you’ve decided to give, but how?

Please, I cannot do this without any of you…I need to raise $14,300 for my race and I am currently at $1,423.70, so I need a little less than $13,000 to raise (I had 10,000 for some reason…I really think I forgot how to do math…but either way, these numbers that follow would greatly help me lol). If 200 of my 1,000+ friends gave just $50 to my race, then I would be fully funded…or if they committed to give $25 as a 2-month donation, then I’d be fully funded. I could even just have 200 friends devote to giving $10 for 5 months to be fully funded.

I now challenge you to maybe give up something you’ve longed for to help me out, and I promise you that your gift will be used to the utmost fullest and in the wisest decisions…as well as that God will bless you tremendously for your generous offer, even if you can only spare a few dollars and cents right now, God will surely bless you beyond what you give!

Thank you sooo much for all your prayers and support! I love each and every one of you tremendously! God Bless!”
And well the devil came back with this: “you think this is going to garner any support? you think your family and friends actually care you are about to embark on this trip for God, your most precious Father? you think they actually care a flying flip what you believe or feel towards His precious ‘least of these’? Ha! all they care about is their damn selves and their damn cars and houses and other nonsense that I, yes I, have flooded their hearts with…mwahahahahahaha!! I bet you couldn’t even rally 10 new people to support you in the next week…”
…my words back, HA!…”FIRST OF ALL, BE GONE FROM ME SATAN! Second of all, back off of my family and friends and my loved ones!! Finally, in the Name of Jesus, I will get 10 new people to support me in the next week and beyond that!! I am a lionhearted man of God and you CANNOT STOP ME!!!”
    In light of this, I NEED your help, whomever reads this, please help me get 10 new people to support my trip with The World Race within the next week!! WE can do this…please?? I love you and am praying for you! God Bless you!