WOW!!! Training camp is over and I’ve been home for a few days now. Not really sure what to think…
Home here in Eustis just isn’t the same or doesn’t feel like home right now, which just plain confuses me and has me longing ever so intensely for S-Squad and their fellowship. It hurts to think that way about home, but it’s the simple truth. I guess God rocked me more than I thought.
He brought 65 strangers together and in a week He wove us together into an impenetrable shield that He has at the ready to battle the darkness. He loves to use those who will stand up and fight with Him, those who will NOT back down from the enemy and his minions. Totally S-Squad to the core! Rock ‘S’olid for the King!
We came up with team names, my team being Lionheart, but frankly I think every team name solidifies and applies to the entirety of S-Squad. We are that close and only after one week!!! I cannot wait for October, yet I know there is much to be done here at home before then.
All I know is that to have the Lord of ALL creation speak to you and affirm you as His and as good, is by far the best feeling in the world!!! I LOVE God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!! Rock on Father- I’m with you to wherever you lead! As of right now, He has set our course to be:
  •  Guatemala
  • Nicaragua
  • Costa Rica
  • Philippines
  • Malayasia
  • Thailand
  • Cambodia
  • South Africa
  • Swaziland
  • Mozambique
  • India
(subject to change at a moment’s notice as He sees fit!)
   Either way, S-Squad shall bring the Redemption Rain to the nations!!!!! We shall storm the gates of Hell in His mighty Name!! S-SQUAD!!!!!! 😀
Rockin’ it for Jesus,