How could I ever write or even begin to express the power of this past week? I really just don’t know how I could ever reveal what He’s done in the past week…but I’ll try.
   Let’s see:
  •  I danced in front of a multitude of people with wreckless abandonment without even caring how I looked.
  • I jumped out of a tree into a lake.
  • I jumped off a large boulder into a lake!
  • I slept under the stars and sang and screamed at the top of my lungs to glorify Him!
  • I gave up all my expectations for Him!!!
  • I met my new family (S-Squad!) and got my team (LIONHEART)!
  • He has wrecked me indeed and I will NEVER be the same!
  • He has allowed me to speak and pray in the Spirit!
  • He has obliterated my box and HALLELUJAH!! I AM FREE!!!!!
  • He has spoken.
  • He is at work and mobilizing His armies!
   I could probably write a small book about this past week, but some things must be left unsaid for well the intrigue factor of those who follow after me.
   One verse that He gave me this week is Psalm 89:15-18
                     “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn. Indeed our shield belongs to the Lord, our King to the Holy One of Israel.”
     S-Squad and yes even Q- and R-Squads are fully relient on God and all of us will storm the gates of Hell!! The devil is shaking in his boots!! Mwahahahahahahaha!!! Makes me smile all the time!!
I wrote a small poem in the middle of the week:
         ‘You are faithful, you are truth,
         My God, My Savior
         Heaven comes with our voices;
         The earth shaks with our praises!
          Oh Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!!’
   Basically, every day and night of training camp we worshipped Him, even as we just sat around getting to know each other a little better each day and by this time together He manifested His presence amongst us.
   ‘I have heard the whisper of something more,
   I have heard the beat of His drum;
   Ohhhohh, I am NOT looking back,
   But running forward after the God of the Angel Armies!!!’
Keep tuned in for more to come for the Lord is at work…